
Showing posts from July, 2021

"He loves me, he loves me not....."

It happened suddenly, the moment you met them, you knew that your life will never be the same again and your heart soars every time you look at them, you stay awake at night thinking about them, you can't focus on anything else and you spend every hour day dreaming about them. You all know that feeling. The butterflies in your stomach. Fantasies about being forever. "Chand Sifarish" playing in the background every time you meet them.   Is it Love or it is just a Crush? LOVE and INFATUATION are both intense emotions that one feels for another person. These feelings are often confused by most people. Infatuation is a state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love; Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of the relationship when sexual attraction is central. Love can be described as the feeling of intense affection for another person. It is most often talked about as an emotion between two . Infatuation, mostly confused with love, is often filled w

It is 'Never' the end

How do your life goals look like? Do we end up making our goals so big that it becomes almost impossible to achieve them or did you not put in the right amount of effort that was required to achieve that specific goal and end up failing most of the time. What is failure? The most common definition of failure is that it is defined as an absence or lack of success. But don't you think that definition is putting more emphasis on success to deliberately tell us that we have FAILED. But if we change our perspective a little bit then failure is not the worst thing that can happen in your life moreover it can also become the best part of your life. The most appropriate definition of Failure is : Failure is the state of living and working in a way that isn't aligned with our values. Why are we so afraid of failures? Why do we think that if we fail, it is the end. Failing is an integral part of our life and not a single soul lives in this world that hasn't failed, maybe he/she faile

Ma'am, may I go to the washroom please?

 Oh! Is it that time of the month, Aunt Flo is coming to visit, The Crimson Tide, etc. Most of you girls must be familiar with all these phrases and it is high time we stopped using the euphemisms for such a common thing called MENSTRUATION. What is Menstruation? Menstruation is a natural biological process that a girl and a woman has to go through, half of their life. It is a normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as a part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month, the body prepares for pregnancy, if no pregnancy occurs the uterus sheds its lining . Not just it , the worst part is the abdominal or pelvic cramping pain, low back pain, food cravings, mood swings and irritability, headache and fatigue. Every girl and woman has to deal with all of these at some point in their life. The society is brought up in such a way that it is awkward and shameful to talk about menstruation. It is always told by the elder ones to the younger ones to keep it a secret from the society as well as their

"For how long have you been scrolling now??"

What are the norms to be accepted as 'Dope' in the society? A hot girlfriend/boyfriend or an iPhone 12 pro max or an Instagram page with 100k followers with 'CANDIDS,ALL FAKE' or a car in which you can post stories of turning the steering wheel, while driving, like a million other cars around you? Welcome to the world of SOCIAL MEDIA where topping the trending list is just a matter of seconds, where most of the so-called influencers don't have a real life, where an image of an egg can get million likes and shares, where real people with talents struggle to reach audiences, where girls can get thousands of likes and followers just by showing off their cleavage, where the cringiest posts get shared while the good ones are pathetically ignored and many more. What is Social Media? Social Media are highly interactive platforms  that allows an individual the freedom of sharing creative content, information, ideas, etc with anyone in the world. It allows us to stay in touc

What my "School" never taught me?

 Before reading this blog, pause for a moment and ask yourself "What is the one most important thing that you have learnt in school and is useful in your life right now?" I am sure most of you won't be able to recall a single thing that is useful. WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR? As told by our parents, relatives, neighbors and so called 'wise people', who give advice unnecessarily and free of cost, that school is for EDUCATION. Is it so? The word Education is derived from the Latin word 'educe' which means to draw forth or bring out i.e., to bring out the gifts of people, but school doesn't brings out much, it stuffs more facts inside of you. Imagine a girl sitting at the back of the classroom, she doesn't talk with anyone in the class and she fails in almost every subjects but at the back of her head she has a passion and if nurtured and brought out, it may lead her to discover the cure for Alzheimer's but instead what  happens in reality is that she is b